Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fringe boots are the new Crocs

I am in love with most of this years trends, but I have seen fringe boots sneaking up for a while and am not happy they are popular now. Of course, because something is popular doesn't mean you have to wear it, and this is one trend I will definitely steer clear of. They just look grubby to me. They don't look polished and they definitely don't look hip or stylish. They are the new Crocs of the season. Not that Crocs were ever popular, just that people seem to think they go with everything but they are actually really ugly.

The only thing that I can find that is swallow able in this trend is the shoe put out by Victoria's Secret:
It is sexy, cute and fun without the Gody mop fringe detailing hanging from the top of a boot. They have toned that way down. I just do not see what is so appealing about these:
They remind me of a fuzzy fringy Ugg boot (which I loved). Maybe the appeal was everyone knew that Ugg's were expensive so it was something to own a pair. But these new boots have not been distinguished who is the market leader, so we haven't put a price tag to them. I'm sure that as soon as we figure out which brand is more pricey, consumers will oo and ah at those who wear them. It will become something for kids to ask their parents for for Christmas.
They just look cheap and gross to me. Damn you Lindsay Lohan whom I saw wearing these boots about a year ago. I will not condemn anyone for wearing them because everyone has their own style. Like someone would love to wear these, I would love to wear a nice leather knee high riding boot which are becoming popular for fall. There are some great examples at ALDO.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hiding Behind Big Sunglasses

I love huge sunglasses. The bigger the better. I feel very powerful, mischevious and sexy while I'm wearing them. It doesn't matter what I look like or how I am feeling, wearing my huge glasses makes me feel like I can go anywhere and that everyone is looking at me, and wondering who I am. They have a sense of power attached to them when it comes to me.
If you're reading this you may think that it seems kind of strange, but I think other girls feel the same way. Something about them makes me happy. I find power in my glasses. Not a superhero power, but a confidence power. They are my disguise. If I do not like the way my hair or my outfit look I feel as though as long as I am wearing my sunglasses I can go anywhere. They are my disguise. I know people recognize me in them, but it feels like they wouldn't (if it doesn't work for celebrities, it won't work for me). It is pretend, like I can go about my daily grind and those who know me wouldn't recognize me, and those who didn't would wonder who I was. I think I hide behind my glasses sometimes, but, to quote le bf, they are "chalked full of awesome".

Monday, August 25, 2008

I had discovered polyvore through blogs that I had read, but never really understood its use until recently. When browsing it for the first time a month ago, I thought to myself, "why would anyone spend so much time on here to construct pictures?" but then last night I got it. I saw that every article of clothing, accessory and thing had the website where it could be purchased. So instead of just making funky outfits, you could actually buy what you create. I think this is a very interesting idea. I can look at something Rachel Bilson is wearing and type all the items into Polyvore and get my own outfit. It is a very cool invention!
I just made this one for one of Rachel Bilsons outfits but with added accessories, and I love it. I am going shopping for a similar outfit tonight hopefully!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Beginnings

I want my child-like carefree life back. How do some people retain that into later life? I lost it a long time ago. Over the past 4 years I feel like I have lost a lot. With a few close relationships that have slowly died, it has brought down my confidence, independence and self assurance. But maybe I have no one to blame but myself. I have been blogging about feeling like I am wasting my time and having an inferiority complex, but I think I am starting a new. Over the past week I have started making my belts (as blogged about previously) and am feeling a bit better. I am finally doing something. I have always felt that people can do anything they want to do if they really want to do it. I always push people and support them when they tell me what their dream is, but do not take the advice. It is strange. I give all the support in the world away. But I do feel like I am climbing back on the horse. Soon I expect to be adding items to my Etsy account, gascoin.

I would also appreciate a little repre from life so that I can come back refreshed to face the music. Like my friend Yan says, "I need to start my new life" lol. I start school in a week and a half and I am exhausted. This weekend will be all about me relaxing, and doing things I don't ever do. I'm going to get together with a few friends, walk around Ottawa and walk across the bridge to Hull to the museum/IMAX. Just being relaxed with no distractions will be nice. I used to love being out and about by myself with no one slowing me down once in a while. Till Monday it is all about that! I will stop and smell the roses and try and post some pictures of my out-and-a-bout journey.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Roberto My Hero!

I read it and I couldn't believe it! Roberto Cavalli has said what I have wished other designers would take to heart:

"There are thousands of models like all the other thousands of models. Naomi Campbell is the same. For me, models are just pieces of wood that I carve to make clothes look beautiful"

I know that this was initially targeted about Kate Moss, of whom I love her clothing style, but about the modeling world it is true. This quote which is for all the Janis Dickinson's who demanded higher salaries than the rest of the models were being paid. It is for Naomi Campbell's raging and uncontrollable temper. Do not get me wrong, I am not bitter towards models with my 5'4 134lb stature. I love Victoria's Secret shows (and Brazilian shows) with girls, although still pretty thin, who still have some junk in their trunks. I think it is because Victoria's Secret realizes that men like that, and women identify with it which makes VS very successful. Not to mention the stunning models. VS is like Hooters for models. Only those with the package can get the gig, experience not required.

But the size negative zero runway models that strut down the catwalk can be replaced by another size zero. There are a ton of fresh faced girls in modeling agencies waiting to be discovered, and don't have the hefty price tags. Runway is not about the facial beauty of the model like say VS is. It is about a body that can slink down the runway like a walking clothes hanger to shocase clothing. Often faces are painted or shrowded to conceal as not to take peoples eyes away from the clothing.

I watch a lot of runway shows every season and some of these girls are scary thin and don't seem to be using there big bucks to eat. I do not think it is right or fair for someone to think they are the best clothes hanger and demand high prices, so yay to Roberto for speaking his mind!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Exciting News!

You know how a few posts ago I was talking about being restless and feeling like I am wasting my time by not doing anything productive? Well, BIG NEWS! Le bf and I went to the flea market that he used to work at on Sunday to say hi to his former boss. Turns out his ex-boss wants him to work a shift this coming Sunday and guess what? He's going to take some of my seatbelt belts! You have to start somewhere right? I have also just set up my Etsy account and am going to start adding belts this week. They will be 15$ plus shipping. I am excited to be getting back in the groove. Plus, le bf said that he wants to come searching through wreck yards with me to find more buckles! That is great because it is something I wouldn't do alone.
The only problem with these belts is the difficulty in finding proper buckles. These chrome buckles are becoming rare because car companies are installing plastic buckles instead of the old chrome ones. To ad to the difficulty, I can't be choosy with the buckles because there aren't that many to choose from as a lot of the old cars are being boxed up (crushed) and disposed of.
This little craft project won't last too long, but it will be fun! I have the belt webbing in lime green, the pink above (thinner webbing), pumpkin orange, turquoise, black,. red and lemon yellow. This as well as different kinds of buckles. The store that sold the pink, green and yellow webbings has closed so I can't get the material any longer. When I run out of those the belts will be offered in different colours.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

This Weekend

Well I went boutiquing and was out and about this weekend, but didn't find anything particularly striking in the area of clothing. I went boutiquing so that I might find something by a local designer that is original and special. I found some nice pieces, but nothing that really really caught my fancy. There was one nautical blazer that I thought was precious, and I might still go back and get. It was $88.
But the most amazing thing that happened this weekend, besides being my 9th month-aversary with le bf, was the sky! On Saturday night after leaving IKEA I saw the sky lit up with the strangest cloud. It was in the shape of a tornado, all wispy and calm. The first 2 were taken outside IKEA in the parking lot. The one below was taken a bit later on from le bf's apartment. I am completely in love with clouds and their formation, so although I didn't make any spectacular clothing finds or buys, I was happy that I had the chance to see these natural creations.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Just for show

I have been hoping that mini jackets and capes would come in for the fall, or that I could at least find one that I liked. While browsing on Etsy, I found some pieces that I really liked by the seller Bonzie. She loves Victorian styles, as I do, and has some very unique pieces.
Although they wouldn't do much along the lines of keeping you warm on a cool night, but they would definitely add a cute and sophisticated, maybe classy even, punch to an outfit!
They are both $45 which is amazing seeing as she makes them herself.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It was WICKED!

Last night I attended the opening night of WICKED in Ottawa. It was the first musical I have ever seen and blew away my expectations! I knew what WICKED was about from listening to the CD, but to see it live was incredible. I wasn't expecting it to be HILARIOUS. The actress that played Glinda the good was awesome. She reminded me of the blond on SNL who was all jerky and her voice would garble. The tics were soooo funny.

Aside from her performance, the set was beautiful and incredible. So many things coming in and out of each scene and the colours, wow. The singing was incredible as well. The only things that I felt needed improvement in the whole thing was Elphaba's voice. It wasn't as strong as the other characters, she just couldn't hit the high notes. I think her sister, the wicked witch of the East could have played a good Elphaba, her voice can amazing.

One thing I was very surprised with and happy for was the costumes. They were done very well.Very intricate and all different. I would love to be involved in a production like this either dancing on stage or helping with costume design this was a spectacular show and I almost lost it at the end when we were giving the actors a standing ovation. I would go and see it every night that it is in Ottawa if the tickets weren't so expensive. If you have the chance, you must see this show!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I am going see WICKED tonight on opening night here at the NAC here in Ottawa and I am so excited! For everyone who doesn't know what it is about, it is about the story of the witches of Oz before Dorithy dropped in. It tells about how they became Glenda the Good and the wicked witch of the west. Everyone that has seen it has told me, "you will love it" very emphatically. I have already listened to the musical on CD so I won't get lost in the story at all. Le bf wouldn't go with me, so I am taking his mom instead! I have this cute little cocktail dress and a pink and silver clutch picked out for the occasion. I figure that since it is opening night I should get a little dressed up. I hate to think that I am under dressed for any occasion. I would rather be overdressed.
I will let you know how it was!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Judgement Day...The Sequal

So after my revelation about what I do and why when I am shopping, I took off to the mall after work for some needed shopping therapy. I got a gift certificate to ALDO at Christmas and haven't spent a penny of it yet, so I figured I should go and at least browse. I am dying for some cute red wine coloured boots anyway. Well I didn't end up with any boots, but I did end up with a killer orange purse! I will post pictures of it tomorrow. And I came to realize something else, I found that the sales clerks were actually very nice. I was my usual self and found that my sales assistants' style of humour was very similar to my own so I spent some time talking to her.
This all made me extremely happy, and now I just need to keep this up and eventually I can get over my fear of judgement. Yesterday was a big step for me because shopping alone is what always triggers my introverted behaviour. When I'm with someone else I am completely fine. I was extremely happy with my results and will be proud when I finally get over this fear.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Judgement Day

I have a bit of an inferiority complex. Maybe more of a class distinction complex because I feel like I do not belong in certain stores. I come from your average WASP family but when it comes to stores like hugo boss, BCBG or Coach I feel like I do not belong. I always feel like the sales associates are watching me, judging me and thinking to themselves "what is she doing in here?". People think I am crazy and that I have a huge chip on my shoulder, but I can't help it. I have been like this for a few years now. It's crazy because you cannot always tell someones class by what they look like and no one no matter what should be judged like that. Anything these days can be a fake and I know a number of wealthy people that just bum around in sweats all the time.
When you think about it, it is actually quite ridiculous because the people working at these retail locations are not necessarily well off themselves or they wouldn't be working there. So it is kind of a "pot calling the kettle black" type thing. These associates are just like me with there student or summer jobs. I should not feel so inferior when I can semi afford the clothes (not coach though). Plus, stores need business, so they would welcome you anyway. Roosevelt once said something that rings very true to me, he said "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent". I automatically bow down to people who intimidate me. I don't know why, but I do it all the time. I become silent and shy away. In that respect I have become a person I do not want to be, but I know that behaviours can change so all I need to do is work on it, now that I have identified what i do and when.
All of this reminds me of my favourite movie Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts goes into that posh store and the sales clerks treat her like dirt. It may be due to these types of movies or advertising which has put these notions into my head. When I see an ad and look at the type of woman that is pictured with the product, I see that I am not like the person who is supposed to buy these things. Call me crazy, I do love shopping but these thoughts cross my mind more and more.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Store Called Gascoigne

I have been very restless lately. My brain has been running non-stop trying to think of something to do. I have been feeling like I am wasting my life by not contributing or doing anything of real importance. I have been in a constant search for a while now for something to create. I know that I have a longing to make and sell things, but what, I have not come up with yet. I have always loved making things for people. Ever since I was little I would make things and give them away because I loved that people loved getting things that are special.
This all started with my EBAY account where I sold seatbelt belts from 2000 up till I went away to University in 2004. I loved crawling through car wreck yards to cut seatbelt buckles out of vehicles, clean and polish them and then make belts for people. I still have a stash of buckles and webbing and am going to start making the last of my inventory. They will be sold in the Etsy store I am creating with the user name gascoin.
On to the store called Gascoigne! Since I love fashion, I have come to a happy decision, with the help of le bf, that I want to open a store where I will sell clothing by local designers. It is so hard for people to get there wears sold, and there are some very unique and talented people out there. I have not decided where will be, probably start in Ottawa maybe then move to TO then NYC? don't know! a world of possibilities!
Any advice? I am new to all this, it is a bit different than selling things on the Internet!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I love Rachel

I think the one person that I look to the most when it comes to fashion is Rachel Bilson. I love her daily outfits. They look effortless and very cool and comfy. She always looks like she just threw the stuff on, but it is so well put together. Does she have a stylist or does she just put everything together herself? I'm very excited for the fashion line she is putting together, I'm hoping it will emulate her current style. That way it will all be in one place and we won't have to shop around for pieces to get the look!
The first outfit and the white coat are my favourites, but I always loves her scarves.
Aside from Rachel, I like the style of VB, Ashley Olsen and Ashley Simpson.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Skirt

Here is the skirt I made last week. It is very 50's, very house wife. and I love it. The fabric was incredible! I told you it was regularly $21 but on sale for $7. It is all embroidered and funky. It was meant to be a Miu Miu inspired skirt, but it looks a little too long and not so fun and outting-y. And yes that it my beautiful 30 year old Bernina sewing machine in the second picture. She is amazing. It is entirly metal, no plastic parts. Back to the skirt, I'm thinking of heming it to look like the second picture below. I want it a little shorter with more volume. Thinking about it. I'm wondering if the way it looks now is too long and frumpy, too grandma maybe.

It's My Birthday!!

I have not written all weekend because I have been at my cottage and celebrating my birthday with my friends and family. It has been great. I have been promising pictures of my skirt for a while, and got everything ready, but then forgot my camera at home so I could not upload the pics at work today :( I will have to post them when I get home. Sorry!
But today is the celebration of the day I was born. 22 years I have roamed this earth which seems very young but it has taken a long time to get here. OH! Exciting news broke last night! A friend of mine is producing a movie and wants me to do the costumes! ME! I thought that was the bees knees and am so excited to do it. Of course it is a small time independent movie, but still, one small step in the right direction!


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