Well we got off the 401 at exactly 2:00am this morning. We started out for home from Jeffersonville OH at 9:30am yesterday morning. It was the longest haul I have ever done. If you have ever done it, you will know that it is extremely stressful continually scanning the sides of the road at night for deer or animals that might decide to cross the road and kill you. I did this nonstop for hours. But, one of the highlights of the drive home was stopping in Grove City PA at the outlet mall. I have a bit of an obssession with work clothes and, even though I don't have a job, I hauled a couple hundred dollars worth across the border. However, when you are at Banana Republic or Ann Taylors, you know that doesn't go too far. Still, I love every single thing I got. This dress is from Banana Republic, it is a silk blend and I just love the animal print!

oh, and my favourite holiday is tomorrow! I love Halloween! I still don't have my costume yet, le bf is coming down from Toronto and we are going to make a mad dash tomorrow and find things.
Happy Halloween!
wearing:Shoes: Steve MAdden Luxury, Dress: Banana Republic