So when it comes to shoes, are you of the opinion that you get what you pay for, or do you believe that an inexpensive shoe can be a great one?
In my experience, I think I have had the whole range! Expensive shoes can be just as painful as a very cheaply made inexpensive pair. However, my go-to-shoes at the moment are ones that were priced at $30...and they look and feel fabulous!
But I'm pretty sure everyone has a pair of those shoes that feel like they are torturing your feet. No matter how you walk in them, they are trying to hurt you; scrubbing your heels no matter how hard you shove your toes to the end. Those shoes that you feel have great potential, and if you just wear them enough, you will be able to break them into the perfect shoes. You give them chance after chance but they end up disappointing you time after time and leave you in pain. My worst right now are a pair of Steve Maddens. I love love love them, but they really pinch a nerve in my left foot. So, even though I know they are no good for me, I can't seem to throw in the shoe polish; they mean too much to me...even though the pain seems to outweigh the benefit, I can't seem to part with them. When do you throw in the white flag?
What were your worst shoes ever?