I swear I am always buying things. I was in Picton today because there was a craft/jewelry festival that sounded interesting. I have also been wanting to go to this jewelry designer that lives in Pitcon who makes earrings and necklaces with swarovski crystals. I need some swarovski earrings to match my necklace that I have had for about 2 years and this was the perfect occassion to drop by and see if they could make me some! I will get my new earrings in 2 weeks! 

The size of the place was incredible and the jewelry stalls were amazing! I ran into the same woman that made the necklace I blogged about not long ago with the gold plated red oak leaf, and I had to buy a pine cone off of her.
Le bf is coming to Kingston this weekend! So happy!
Sorry about the lack of outfit posts. I've been dressing slouchy/comfy lately...more coming soon!
Also, seatbelt belts to be added to my Etsy store!

That is such a pretty necklace!