Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bunny Hugger

Last night while looking for places in the area to volunteer, I came across an opportunity on the Humane Society's website. Did you know that you can sign up to be a Bunny Hugger? This entails socializing and exercising rabbits, ginea pigs and rats. This kind of volunteering seems almost too good to be true. I think it would be nice to try and make the time that the animals spend at the shelter as pleasant as possible.
Some of my longer followers will remember the love of my life; Kiwi who died last year.



At the shelter, there is also an opportunity to take home depressed rabbits for 2 weeks to try and socialize them. I've never seen a depressed bunny, but I'm sure they are just as sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, that does sound like a really great way to give back, and lots of fun too!
    I'm sure after two weeks with you the bunny will be depressed no more!

    Chic on the Cheap



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