Thursday, July 3, 2008

It is exhausting

I have been so excited about blogging, shopping and planning to snap pictures of my clothing, that I have just become exhausted. I have been browsing through many great blogs on here and have come to a tiring halt. I realize that you can only have so many articles of clothing. Looking through the same sites for daily blogs, it is like a continuous day after day rhythm of consumption followed by show&tell. Don't get me wrong, I hope not to get any bad comments because I do enjoy looking at all of the outfits bloggers wear. Most of you are extremely unique, but it just seems like we buy buy buy and don't wear anything twice. But that is what happens i guess, our new clothes don't seem as new anymore, and our old clothes look frumpy and don't look as good on as we once thought.
I know that every few weeks when I look at my closet and decide I have nothing to wear, I go out shopping. My new purchases become my new favourite clothes and push the last new clothing to second place in the line. The new articles of clothing make me wonder how I ever made outfits out of the clothes I had before. It now seems impossible. Our closets are like conveyor belts, constantly bringing new things down the line and the oldest thing falling off the end and out of favour.
Instead of constantly purchasing new clothing, I am starting fashion sewing lessons this week and will hopefull slowly be able to create my own items. Instead of just clothing I have purchased which will be available in my What I Wore section, I want to have a What I Made section that will showcase my creations.

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